In today’s digital age, on an island with a constantly changing set of locals and tourists, choosing the right social media package for your business can make a significant difference. How to understand what is too much, and what is too little to reach the growth your business deserves?
Social Media has become such a large term, that it’s impossible to create a strategy or offer that will work in the same way for every kind of business. After many years of offering Social Media and Digital Marketing services in Koh Samui, we created optimal offers for each kind of business.
It’s essential to understand the unique features and benefits of each package to ensure you’re investing in the right places. This post will guide you through the process of choosing the best social media package that aligns with your business needs and goals.
At FAMEsolutely we offer all-included packages, that will make your brand ABSOLUTELY FAMOUS!
Let’s start!
Answer the questions below to be guided towards the optimal Social Media Package.

N1 Digital Marketing team
Do you have in your team (or you are) a Digital Marketing manager? Somebody who knows which kind of content should be done for which product/service, Somebody who knows where and how often it should be published and on which platforms?
YES > Customizable Social Media (Social media assistance)
NO > Continue below
N2 Where are your Clients?
It’s important to understand where your clients are when deciding on your service.
For example for a Luxury Holiday villa or Hotel, the client will make a decision while abroad and book a stay online in advance, but for a Restaurant, some clients who are abroad will maybe plan, but the majority will be in Koh Samui before deciding to visit a Restaurant in Koh Samui.
A ) Koh Samui / Thailand > Read Next
B) All the world > Continue to the paragraph that start’s with a “B)”.
A ) Your customers are in Koh Samui / Thailand when they decide to visit you or purchase your products/services
Your business is probably:
- Restaurant
- Beachclub
- Tourist activity
- Local service
- Real Estate Agency
As Koh Samui is a small island, it is very easily covered by Meta Target advertisements. This is why we include in all our packages for Koh Samui businesses a budget for Meta Ads and ad management.
2A.1 Are you ready to commit to a monthly service?
Yes, ready > Continue below
Not ready > Social Media Boosters
2A.2 Are you a small business or a large business? Do you have many products that you sell or many dishes on your menu?
Small business > Koh Samui Success Social Media Formula (Light)
Medium business > Koh Samui Success Social Media Formula (Basic)
Large business > Koh Samui Success Social Media Formula (Ultra)
B) Your customers are around the World, not in Thailand (or both) when they decide to visit you or to purchase your products/services
Your business is probably:
- Hotel
- Resort
- Luxury Holiday Villa
- Travel agency
- Real estate agency
2B.1. Do you have a website which needs traffic from content marketing?
Yes > Continue below
No > Hospitality Success Social Media Formula (Basic)
One > Hospitality Success Social Media Formula (Ultra)
Two > Hospitality Success Social Media Formula (DUO)