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Top 5 Reasons Why Your Social Media Fails to Generate Revenue

Our Last post about “Why your restaurant social media is not working” became one of the most viewed posts this year in just a week! This shows the problem many business owners in Koh Samui are facing. Why this so famous Social Media, that everyone is talking about is not working as you would like to?

Even with posting regularly, investing in a professional photographer, mixing in your phone photos, and influencer stories, and using free graphic design template , you may find that nothing seems to work. Or maybe you’re paying some low cost – minimum effort SMM every month, but still nothing!? It can be frustrating, isn’t it?!

Reality check

Firstly let’s make a reality check. Personal Social Media and how you post for yourself and your friends has nothing in common with business social media or influencer social media. Social Media is a Marketing tool for business, and personal accounts are to share your life with friends and family, who follow you and like your content no matter what. Personal Account, Creator Accounts, and Business accounts follows all different alghorythms.

If your Business Social Media is not managed properly, even if it has the most aesthetic visuals, and your SMM is hyper-friendly and cool person – it will not bring you anything.

Similarly with boiling water for cooking, if you don’t know that water boils at 100C, you can spend years trying to boil it at 50C. You will spend thousands on electricity or gaz, but still water will not boil at 50C.

You can use the best and most expensive cooking pot, the best and clearest mountain water, or even the most expensive stove from La Cornu (because who doesn’t dream about La Cornu, right?), but water will never boil at 50C.

The same is true for Social Media Marketing, if it’s not done right, you will just spend lots of money without seeing any results.

Marketing is everything

Professional business Social Media is a Marketing tool, which is first of all driven by Marketing rules and has to follow a plan with timeframes and goals. Social Media without the Marketing part is just creativity. And creativity doesn’t bring revenues, it’s just pretty, it doesn’t reflect any message, and it’s only great to show to your friends.

Business social media have nothing to do with the way you or your aunty are posting on a personal account.

Social Media is very complex, it’s guided by complex Algorithms, which get updated regularly. Professionally done social media encapsulates creativity and marketing. The Task of a digital marketer is not only to work with the always-changing algorithms but also to implement the Marketing plan of the business, reflect the brand identity, and keep the creative part at a popular level.

  • If you only have creativity but no strategy and plan -> nobody will see your content
  • If you’re good at keeping the algorithm happy, but your creativity is at a low level -> you will have no engagement
  • If you have great creativity, the algorithm shows your content, but you have no marketing plan -> you will be seen by the wrong users, who will not bring you any revenues

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We found the TOP 5 reasons why your Social Media is not working for your business

1. Your social media fails because your team does not have enough qualifications & experience

At first sight, Social Media looks easy, what can go wrong, it’s only photos – videos – and designs, and you only need to wait for people to like it. And if you like it, others should like it too, right?

Not many Social Media Assistants have an idea of the Social Media Manager Job, most Social Media Managers are not Marketers. It’s very rare to find somebody who can do it all.

However, this is flawed logic, similar to thinking that someone who knows how to cook can automatically be a successful restaurant chef, or that someone who knows how to write can immediately become a writer.

2. Your social media fails because you don’t have the right combination of people/skills to realize it

Much like the first point, you may have a talented Social Media Manager capable of executing tasks but lack a Marketing team or someone to guide the SMM in the right direction. As a result, the SMM might attempt various strategies without following any particular plan or brand guidelines. It can even attract new users, but most likely not the right one for your business.

Or you can have an amazing and talented photographer and videographer, but no strategy or knowledge about how should it work, and no one will see or relate to your content.

3. Your social media fails because you just copy somebody

There’s nothing wrong with getting inspired by the Best, but copying and getting inspired are two different things.

Bad artists copy, good artists steal.”

Salvador Dali

Copying what others do, without knowing the big picture of their Marketing plan is mostly done for a fail.

It’s like copying the medicine that you saw on the table of your friend, without knowing what should it heal and what is your sickness.

Of course, trends are about repeating what someone else already did, but trends make you viral only when you twist it your way.

4. Your social media fails because you have no strategy

If you just post for the sake of posting and have no idea why you are doing so, what should it give you back?

It’s like going somewhere, but not knowing where are you going and why.

As an example, you can create a post which will go viral. But it will go viral because your model is attractive, not because anyone who engages has any interest in your product or service. The result can be devastating, because the algorithm will continue showing your content to the wrong people who like attractive models, and your engagement with critically drop and you’ll just spend money on dropping your social media account down.

5. Your social media fails because your creative media doesn’t reflect your product and its quality

We will say that again and again. You should not use free software for amateurs with free design templates, if you’re searching to attract the premium and luxury segments.

If the software or template is free, it means everyone has access to it. You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where your restaurant with an average check of 600 THB uses the same design as the coffee shop with 150 THB average check. The same goes for hotels and holiday villas. Nobody will believe that you offer a quality experience if your design looks the same as that of a hostel.

This not only concerns software but photo and video quality too.

🚩 Red Flags to Look Out for in a Social Media Manager

  • Very low rates (like for any industry), cheap is never good, there’s no secret
  • Agreeing to post any quantity of content without regard for image quality, while still promising results (or it’s an SM Assistant and not a manager)
  • Not creating or guiding you on the need for photo, video, or design content
  • Lack of experience, especially in Koh Samui, with a very different Social Media landscape, compared to locations with more people, and different ratios between locals, ex-pats, and tourists
  • Absence of clear reporting and performance tracking metrics, not working with statistics and analytics, not asking for sales feedback
  • Not taking the time to learn about your company
  • Lack of understanding of your target audience and industry
  • Overlooking the importance of consistent and regular posting schedules
  • Posting day-to-day without a clear plan
  • Lack of creativity and originality in content creation
  • Viral content guaranty
  • No Marketing background
  • Agrees to buy followers or to participate in engagement groups

At FAMEsolutely, we proudly provide a large number of Marketing and Social Media Services in Koh Samui

Our expertise is rooted in delivering tailored marketing solutions specifically designed for Luxury Villas, Resorts, and Restaurants. Our team is dedicated to developing and implementing effective strategies that elevate your brand’s presence and engagement across various social media platforms.

With FAMEsolutely, your business will not only gain visibility but also thrive in the competitive digital landscape, and simply become ABSOLUTELY FAMOUS!

Learn more about our SOCIAL MEDIA SERVICES, or just CONTACT US